fire simulator digital combustion

Simulation Pack Pro 3

Simulation Pack Pro 3 is made specifically for Fire Studio 7. Our most advanced pre-made simulation package yet!

Start using Simulation Pack Pro 3 for Fire Studio 7 today!

Simulation Pack Pro 3* is the most advanced and realistic package of simulations we’ve ever released. These simulations are highly advanced, some featuring multiple views and phases of the incident. They leverage Fire Studio 7’s enhanced graphic capabilities. Additionally, they include numerous new smoke and fire layers that can be utilized in other Fire Studio 7 simulations beyond this pack.

Download Simulation Pack Pro 3 for only $249. Buy Now!

(*Note: Fire Studio 7 Instructor or Player Edition is required to play these simulations.)

Simulation Pack Pro 3

8 Professional Simulations for Fire Studio 7

Auto Body Repair Shop Fire:
An auto/body repair garage well involved with fire. Sound and triggered explosion included.

Multi-View 2 Story Fire:
This is a multi-view (four views), multi-slide simulation that includes a 360-degree walk-around and multiple levels of fire and smoke spread.

Vacant Apartment Fire:
3 views of a vacant apartment fire including 3 different views.

Exterior Building/Dumpster Fire:
Two-Story House with Attic showing a dumpster fire spreading to the upper levels on the exterior of the house.

Multi-View Residential:
This is a 2 story residential house with 3 views included. Also includes on screen navigation and multiple phases of fire/smoke spread.

Pest Control Building Fire:

This simulation presents a front and rear views of a pest control building, It shows smoke and fire increase, including color changes in the vapor/smoke and the placement of placards to clearly indicate the presence of hazardous materials.

Upholstery Building Fire:
A single-view simulation showing heavy smoke from the roof increasing to heavy smoke and fire.

Multi-Story House:
A single view of a well involved multi-story house. This simulation includes a knockdown of the fire.


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Simulation Pack Pro 3 is only $249 (Introductory Price $199)

This Simulation Pack includes a collection of 8 single and multi-view simulations.